I’m sorry it’s been a while since I’ve updated you. Life has been crazy, in a good way. Work has kept me as busy as ever during the day. My responsibilities are growing and things are going very well there. In my other life, we are working hard as a band to get new material out. The writing process has been grueling work; we are attempting difficult things and doing them well, as opposed to attempting simple things and doing them great. I’m pushing myself and the other members of the band to create with the best of our skills and talents. It’s quite challenge for us, but I think it will be very much worth it.
I’m in Canada right now for work, Ottawa is a beautiful city. French is obnoxious but very nice to listen to, sort of, it’s a love/hate thing. At least I can understand some of it as it’s Latin based like Spanish and some English. Pronunciation in French is insanely delicate. In short it felt like Canada is a mix of some European country the US. Just FYI if you’ve never been. (Here is a pic of the Parliament house in Ottawa, ON)
It’s been a while since I mentioned this on my posts, but God has made the answer/resolution clear regarding the prayer and fasting I talked about before. If you've kept up with this blog and happened to pray for me during that time, I greatly appreciate it, your prayers meant the world to me. I really can’t get into the details of the answer for time and privacy’s sake, but suffice to say that it was a humbling and enlightening experience, God is faithful and good.
I’d like to respond to some reader questions in the next post, the comment section on the other posts were getting really long (which is great!) so I’d like to spread them out. Keep em’ coming!
Love ya'll
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