9:59 PM / Posted by David Montenegro / comments (1)

Sometimes my heart suffers in the thought that we live in a fallen world. Just read the news. So many in this world need an encounter with Jesus Christ. There is so much death and destruction...but in the midst of it all is God working fervently. We have new brothers and sisters in Christ...right now, as you are reading this, in China and South America...the list goes on. Jesus is changing lives every minute around the world. Our hope is on Christ, crucified and risen from the dead. Through him, we have hope for an eternal life where only tears of joy exist.

Love y'all,

8:54 PM / Posted by David Montenegro / comments (0)

I'm trying quick blogging from my phone. It seems like I'm delaying my posts longer and longer these days. Maybe frequent posts will be more doable. For this post I'd like to challange your defenition and view of worship: would you still sing or play worship if only God could hear it (I mean, not even you could hear it)?

Love y'all