Prayer update

3:43 PM / Posted by David Montenegro /

So i've been praying and fasting for the last six days with no clear answer yet. It took daniel 21 days to get an answer, so I'm not worried about how long it will take. I fully trust that God has his perfect timing concerning this issue. I'll continue fasting and praying until I get a clear answer. 

I know it's a little strange/awkward to hear and talk about fasting. I'm letting you know of my progress through this time mostly to keep myself accountable(I'm not that great or consistent at fasting). Also, I wanted to get fasting out in the open and get people to think about and consider it. I was torn whether to talk about it or not (while I was doing it) because of this scripture saying that it's not right to be arrogant in proclaiming that you are fasting (Matthew 6:16-17). But after praying about it, I decided that the benefit outweighed the risk of me sounding arrogant. In that if anybody is encouraged by this post to fast and pray, that would be awesome. 

As christians we are pretty much commanded by Jesus Christ himself to fast. He said "when you fast" in the scripture link above, not "if". It's more like an assumption than a command that we will fast. Fasting is a great experience if you haven't tried it out already, it can be done in many ways and for whatever length you choose. It's not "forcing God" to do something, it's a humbling experience and a time to focus everything on God. 

Most of the time God has already answered in His own way, but we are merely not listening closely enough. 

 There are different kinds of fasting; a water only fast, juice only fast, fruit and vegetable only fast, or just giving up single things like a meat fast, TV fast, Internet fast, soda fast, chocolate fast...etc etc... It's whatever is a meaningful sacrifice for you to give up for a prescribed amount of time. Non-protestant christians practice this regularly during lint. In the end, it's between you and God, so whatever he leads you to do ; go for it full tilt. 


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