8:24 AM / Posted by David Montenegro /

It's interesting that most people have thoughts of God when looking at the stars. We tend to naturally equate God with the infinite and mysterious depths of space. However, when it comes to having a ongoing daily relationship with God, we tend to loose sight of this simple yet subtle observation. We forget that God is indeed infinite and mysterious in His own way. We cannot fathom his wisdom, his intellect or his timing. I find myself frustrated at times wondering what God is up to and why it doesn't make sense to me. "But God, that doesn't make sense. " or "God, this is impossible given the current circumstance". I find myself there far too often. I always remind myself when looking up at the stars that God is way bigger than me, my plans and my "intellect". I trust in him and His plan far above my own, in trusting Him I can have peace and Joy that this world cannot touch. 


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