Worries of this world.

8:27 AM / Posted by David Montenegro / comments (1)

Mathew 13:22 "The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful."
During these crazy financial times and even before then, I've caught myself worrying about work, money, my career, future family, etc. (Who doesn't, right?) But reading this scripture re-centered me in acknowledging that these "worries of life" can be used as a crafty weapon against my faith and relationship with God. I realized I need to keep on guard and in prayer. I pray that I may not worry, but fully trust in Him. I have been praying that lately and there has been much peace in my mind as a result, thanks to God. 

For now, my foreseeable future involves being a full time engineer, and at the same time doing meaningful ministry in music. I've come to realize that the pit fall described in this scripture holds more true to me than say a person who is ministry full time. When my lively hood doesn't come directly from the ministry I'm involved in, the worries of this world have a greater potential to distract and worry me. Realistically, I think if I did worship full time my life would be easier. But I know for a fact God has not directed me to that for this time, and if I did do that now, it would be out of disobedience. If you do both work and ministry now, I think you can relate. 

I strongly believe that the "layman ministry" is something that the church needs to foster and encourage. The body of Christ has many parts, and each has special gifts. I think we are only using some body parts, and sadly for the most part our body is paralyzed. (Think of the millions of christians in the US, now think of the ministry that goes on. The proportion is not good.) If you look through church history, there are reasons for that. For too long has the church labeled people to be either "in the ministry" OR "supporting the ministry". Why not both? I've noticed an unhealthy mentality floating in the church now, that you're not a "fully obedient christian" unless you are in full time ministry. It sounds crazy when you read it, but think about your church experience and I think you'll see there is some truth to it. Now, please don't get me wrong: I think full time pastoral and missionary roles in the church are critical. But what about the other 98% of the church? 

Our church leaders need to empower the non-fulltime staff christians and give them the training and the tools to be successful in work, family and ministry. This is a critical goal for our generation, the American Church is slowly but surely becoming ours now. What are we going to do with it? 
